Title: Feuilletages en surfaces, cycles \'evanouissants et vari\'et\'es de Poisson Author: F. Alcalde Cuesta et G. Hector Notes: AMS-LaTeX version 1.1, 26 pages, to appear in {\em Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik} \begin{abstract} A {\em foliated cylinder} of a foliated manifold $(M,{\cal F})$ is a path $\{c_t\}_{t \in [0,1]}$ of integral loops for $\cal F$, i.e. each loop $c_t$ is supported by a leaf $F_t \in {\cal F}$. Such a cylinder defines a {\em non-trivial vanishing cycle} $c_0$ if $c_t$ is null-homotopic in its support $F_t$ for each $t>0$, but $c_0$ is not null-homotopic in its support $F_0$. Vanishing cycles were introduced by S. P. Novikov in order to describe $2$-dimensional foliations on compact $3$-manifolds. Here we use this concept to study foliations of higher codimension. Our first aim will be to relate triviality of vanishing cycles with topological properties of the {\em homotopy groupoid}; indeed, we show that all vanishing cycles are trivial if and only if the total space of the homotopy groupoid is Hausdorff. To do so, we reduce the problem to considering so-called {\em regular} vanishing cycle (an "orthogonal" version of the classical notion of immersed vanishing cycle) and {\em coherent} vanishing cycle (for which we require the existence of a path $\{D_t\}_{t \in ]0,1]}$ of integral discs $D_t$ whose boundary $\partial D_t$ is equal to $c_t$). We show that triviality of these particular vanishing cycles implies triviality of all vanishing cycles. For compact foliated manifolds, we obtain the following criterion: a regular coherent vanishing cycle is non-trivial if and only if the area of the discs $D_t$ is unbounded. Finally, we give two applications of the previous results to foliations by surfaces: we generalize the Reeb stability theorem to higher codimensions and we solve the problem of the symplectic realization of Poisson structures supported by a $2$-dimensional foliation. \end{abstract} \bigskip \bigskip \noindent {\em 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification}. Primary 57R30; Secondary 58F05. \noindent {\em Key words}. Feuilletages, cycles \'evanouissants, vari\'et\'es de Poisson.