Área de interese:
Xeometría Diferencial, en particular o estudo de estructuras xeométricas en variedades diferenciables, en relación con:
Homogeneous spin Riemannian manifolds with the simplest Dirac operator.
Advances in Geometry
18, no. 3, 289-302 (2018)
(con P. M. Gadea, J. C. González-Dávila)
Cyclic homogeneous Riemannian manifolds.
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Series IV
195, no. 5, 1619-1637 (2016)
(con P. M. Gadea, J. C. González-Dávila)
A survey on homogeneous structures on the classical hyperbolic spaces. Geometry, algebra and applications: from mechanics to cryptography,
Springer Proc. Math. Stat.
161, 1-12 (2016)
(con W. Batat, P. M. Gadea)
Cyclic metric Lie groups.
Monatshefte für Mathematik
176, no. 2, 219-239 (2015)
(con P. M. Gadea, J. C. González-Dávila)
Towards a local definition of body in continuum mechanics.
An. Univ. Craiova Ser. Mat. Inform.
41, no. 1, 104-128 (2014)
(con Néstor León D, Óscar López Pouso)
Homogeneous Riemannian structures on some solvable extensions of the Heisenberg group.
Acta Mathematica Hungarica
138, no. 4, 341-364 (2013)
(con W. Batat, P. M. Gadea)
The Lorentzian oscillator group as a geodesic orbit space.
Journal of Mathematical Physics
53, no. 10, 103510, 14 pp. (2012)
(con W. Batat, P. M. Gadea)
Homogeneous quaternionic Kähler structures on rank-three Alekseevsky spaces.
Pubicationes Mathematicae Debrecen
78, no. 3-4, 691-707 (2011)
(con W. Batat, P. M. Gadea)
Homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian structures of linear type.
Journal of Geometry and Physics
61, no. 3, 745-764 (2011)
(con W. Batat, P. M. Gadea)
Homogeneous Kähler and Sasakian structures related to comples hyperbolic spaces.
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (2)
53, no. 2, 393-413 (2010)
(con P. M. Gadea)
Homogeneous quaternionic Kähler structures on eight-dimensional non-compact quaternion-Kähler symmetric spaces.
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry
12, no. 1, 47-74 (2009)
(con M. Castrillón López, P. M. Gadea)
Homogeneous quaternionic Kähler structures on 12-dimensional Alekseevski spaces.
Journal of Geometry and Physics
57, no. 10, 2098-2113 (2007)
(con M. Castrillón López, P. M. Gadea)
Homogeneous Riemannian structures on Berger 3-spheres.
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
48, 375-387 (2005)
(con P.M. Gadea)
Chern-Simons forms associated to homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
35, 149-162 (2005)
(con P.M. Gadea)
Chern-Simons forms of pseudo-Riemannian homogeneity on the oscillator group.
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
2003:47, 3007-3014 (2003)
(con P.M. Gadea)
The oscillator group as a homogeneous spacetime.
Libertas Mathematica (University of Texas at Arlington) 19, 9-18 (1999)
(con R. Durán-Díaz, P.M. Gadea)
Reductive decompositions and Einstein-Yang-Mills equations
associated to the oscillator group.
Journal of Mathematical Physics
40, no. 7, 3490-3498 (1999)
(con R. Durán-Díaz, P.M. Gadea)
Homogeneous Lorentzian structures on the oscillator groups.
Archiv der Mathematik (Basel)
73, 311-320 (1999)
(con P.M. Gadea)
Hamiltonian systems on k-cosymplectic manifolds.
Journal of Mathematical Physics
39, no. 2, 876-893 (1998)
(con M. de León, E. Merino, P. Rodrigues, M. Salgado)
Reductive homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian manifolds.
Monatshefte für Mathematik
124, 17-34 (1997)
(con P.M. Gadea)
Stable almost cotangent structures.
Bolletino della Unione Matematica Italiana
(7) 11-B, 509-529 (1997)
(con M. de León, E. Merino, M. Salgado)
Homogeneous almost para-Hermitian structures.
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 26, no. 4, 351-362 (1995)
(con P.M. Gadea)
Characterization of higher-order tangent bundles.
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
36, no. 1, 73-87 (1995)
(con M. de León, M. Salgado)
A global characterization of jet bundles of p¹-velocities and colevocities.
Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques.
(6) 4, no. 1, 61-75 (1995)
(con M. de León, E. Merino, M. Salgado)
A characterization of tangent and stable tangent bundles.
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique
61, no. 1, 1-15 (1994)
(con M. de León, E. Merino, M. Salgado)
Integrable almost s-tangent structures.
Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni
(7) 14, no. 4, 609-623 (1994)
(con M. de León, M. Salgado)
Homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian structures and homogeneous almost
para-Hermitian structures.
Houston Journal of Mathematics
18, no. 3, 449-465 (1992)
(con P.M. Gadea)
Almost s-tangent manifolds of higher order.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
154, no. 2, 201-213 (1992)
(con M. de León, P.R. Rodrigues, M. Salgado)
Conformal and related changes of metric on the product
of two almost contact metric manifolds.
Publicacions Matemàtiques
34, 199-207 (1990)
(con D.E. Blair)
A note on almost s-tangent structures.
Colloquium Mathematicum
55, 67-70 (1988)
Almost tangent structures in bundle spaces over almost
s-tangent manifolds.
Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de la République Socialiste de Roumanie
29 (77), nr. 3, 245-254 (1985)
(con M. de León)
New classes of almost contact metric structures.
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen
32, no. 3-4, 187-193 (1985)
On almost complex structures on the semidirect product of
almost contact Lie algebras.
Tensor (N.S.)
41, no. 2, 111-115 (1984)
- Almost s-tangent manifolds.
Geometriae Dedicata
14, no. 4, 395-403 (1983)
- On the existence of J(4,2)-structures.
Rivista di Matematica dell'Università di Parma
(4) 9, 179-184 (1983)
(con P.M. Gadea)
On differentiable manifolds with f-structure.
Geometriae Dedicata
10, no. 1-4, 393-402 (1981)
(con P.M. Gadea)
A classification for almost contact structures, II: Examples
A classification for almost contact structures, I
- On the cohomology of some Riemannian manifolds with parallel f-structure.
Tensor (N.S.)
34, no. 3, 286-294 (1980)
(con P.M. Gadea)
- Une connexion caractérisant l'intégrabilité d'une
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Paris,
Sér A-B,
286, no. 11, A523-A525 (1978)
(con P.M. Gadea)
- Producto vectorial cruzado. Algunas aplicaciones a las geometrías
Public. del Depto. de Geom. y Top. nº 34, (138 pp.) Univ. de
Santiago de Compostela (1975)
- Geometría diferencial y cohomología de las
Public. del Depto. de Geom. y Top. nº 44, (177 pp.)
Univ. de Santiago de Compostela (1977)
Una clasificación de las estructuras métricas casi contacto.
Act. VIII Jorn. Luso-Espanholas de Matemática
(Coimbra, 1981), I, 345, (1981).
Estructura casi compleja o casi contacto en una f-variedad métrica.
Act. XII Jorn. Luso-Espanholas de Matemática
(Braga, 1987), II, 667-672 (1989).
(con José J. Mencía)
k-Hamiltonian systems.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Recent Topics in
Differential Geometry, Public. Depto. de Geom. y Top.
(Santiago de Compostela, 1997),
89, 207-217 (1998).
(con M. de León, E. Merino, P. Rodrigues e M. Salgado)
Teses de doutoramento dirixidas
- Subvariedades semi-invariantes de variedades casi hermíticas.
José María Sierra Carrizo.
Universidad de La Laguna, 1986.
- f-estructuras con núcleo paralelizable.
José Julio Mencía González.
Universidad del País Vasco (E.H.U.), 1986.
- 3-estructuras casi contacto.
María Dolores Monar Hernández.
Universidad de La Laguna, 1987.