Symmetry and shape
Celebrating the 65th birthday of Prof. C. Olmos
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Practical information about the conference
City map
Click image to go to Google Maps.

M: Department of Mathematics. P: Hotel Peregrino. C: Cathedral. Q: Don Quijote. S: Santos. Xu: Xugo. Xa: Xantar. A: Altamira. B: Boca a boca. K: Malak Bistro. V: The Veggie Carmen. 16: O dezaseis. MC: María Castaña.
See below for more information.
Weather in Santiago de Compostela is usually wet and cool. Please be prepared for rain. Temperatures are usually between 7°C and 15°C.
Internet connection
You can connect via eduroam, if your affiliation supports it and you have your devices correctly configured.
There are several options to have lunch near the conference venue:
- Some restaurants near the campus, such as Sicilia in Bocca, Santos, Xugo, Xantar or Altamira, offer lunch menus for around 12-15 euros.
- Downtown and in the historic center there are many kinds of restaurants. Vegan and vegetarian options can be found, for example, at Boca a boca, Malak Bistro, or The Veggie Carmen. Many restaurants offer typical Galician food, such as O Dezaseis or María Castaña.
- The cafeteria-canteens of the Department of Mathematics (same building as the conference), of the Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñaría - ETSE (200m), or the cafeterias Fonseca and Rodríguez-Cadarso (500m) offer menus for 8.50 euros. Because of students' schedule, it is recommended to have lunch before 13:30. Some of them are closed during the weekend.
Other resources
- Santiago turismo:
- Santiago de Compostela town hall:
- Turgalicia:
- Santiago's cathedral:
- Pilgrim's path: