Symmetry and shape

Celebrating the 65th birthday of Prof. C. Olmos


Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Practical information about the conference

City map

Click image to go to Google Maps.

Google maps.
Weather forecast.

M: Department of Mathematics. P: Hotel Peregrino. C: Cathedral. Q: Don Quijote. S: Santos. Xu: Xugo. Xa: Xantar. A: Altamira. B: Boca a boca. K: Malak Bistro. V: The Veggie Carmen. 16: O dezaseis. MC: María Castaña.

See below for more information.

Weather in Santiago de Compostela is usually wet and cool. Please be prepared for rain. Temperatures are usually between 7°C and 15°C.

Internet connection

You can connect via eduroam, if your affiliation supports it and you have your devices correctly configured.


There are several options to have lunch near the conference venue:

Other resources