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RP is a Python 3 package that implements the Recursive Performance and Recursive Bucholz methods. They were elaborated as tie-breaking methods for chess tournaments. These methods have been developed by M. Brozos-Vázquez, M. A. Campo-Cabana, J. C. Díaz-Ramos e J. González-Díaz. A rigorous mathematical study can be found at "Ranking participants in a tournament by means of rating functions", J. Math. Econom. 44 (2008), 1246-1256.

This package also includes the script RPWin, that provides a graphics interface where the user can choose the results of a tournament given as the output of the Swiss Manager program, choose one or several tie-breaking methods based on Recursive Performance, and create a spreadsheet with the results.


The easiest way to download and install the package is to use pip:

pip install PyRP

Then you can run the GUI application using

python RPWin.pyw

Go to Options..., Help for further assistance.

ARPO tie-breaking methods

A nontechnical, though detailed discussion on the tie-breaking methods based on Recursive Performance can be found at the Recursive Performance webpage maintained by J. González-Díaz.


Source code
